Director: Michael Bay
Writer(s): Ehren Kruger & Roberto Orci
Starring: Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox
Well line up folks for the full front lobotomy ride of the summer. The follow up to the horribly directed "Transformers
Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen does not even make a slight attempt at good quality movie making. The script comes across as something that was quickly put together over a few too many beers one night amongst a crew of money making pigs. The largest problem with the Transformers franchise is there really is no substance to the actual movies themselves. The only excitement arrives for people who can still be amused by loud over the top special effects, useless explosions, and the constant exploitation of Megan Fox throughout the entire movie.
I am still puzzled as to what exactly the appeal of Megan Fox is at this point as her acting ability seems to be non existent, and if you try and tell me that you like her because you think she is hot then give your damn head a shake. Megan Fox does not make up for her bad acting with sex appeal what so ever, she so far has expressed nothing in terms of a long term career and chances are she will slowly be forgotten about in time.
Shia LeBeouf may not have shown me any signs of real acting talent in this or the previous Transformers movie but lucky for him he has managed to buddy up to Steven Spielberg which should save him from complete destruction in the movie business.
Many directors out there who make a bad movie rarely get an opportunity to continue making movies at such a high caliber, yet for some reason for quite some time now Hollywood has had no problem with forking out money to Michael Bay who manages to pump out while more pile of trash after another.
If there was or could be a prison for people who commit movie crimes then Michael Bay would already be the most notorious criminal in the ranks.
Transformers 2 has no substance, no talent, many boring explosions, and also features some very terrible sexual innuendos as well. Also the supposed Marijuana use in the movie was obviously written by someone who saw the movie "Reefer Madness
I also want to express my disgust with the two ghetto talking robots in the movie, I mean who's moronic idea was it to allow that amount of screen time to robot version of Jar-Jar Binks?
Avoid this movie at all costs as it is going to send you in to a bloody coma.
MY Rating: 1%
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