Director: Larry Charles
Writer(s): Sacha Baron Cohen and Anthony Hines
Starring: Sacha Baron Cohen
Sacha Baron Cohen stars as the flamboyant Austrian fashionista BrĂ¼no. When Bruno is rejected by his home country he decides to come to America where he wishes to find what it takes to be famous in America, and from there let the hilarity ensue.
Bruno is the follow up to Cohen's hit 2006 comedy Borat - Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
Borat managed to place people in situations that they wanted to be tolerant of and yet their true colors started to shine through when faced with the proper situations. Bruno comes on the scene and dares to take it one step further then what Borat did previously. Bruno places American's in a situation that compromises their tolerance of the homosexual community.
The one thing that will easily be overlooked is the acting ability of Sacha Baron Cohen who proves once again how remarkable he is at character acting. Cohen in this movie much like with Borat is faced with people who are unaware that the situations are an act and they are convinced that Cohen is actually the character he is portraying. Anybody who has ever done street theater will easily know that the ability to remain in character while faced with real reactions is incredibly difficult to do this. Cohen is always going to be overlooked for his acting ability and it is unfair. Cohen by all means should even be considered by awards ceremonies for consideration for acting awards. I know you may think I am off my rocker when I say that he deserves an acting award for this work, but it is true that Cohen is a master of the craft of acting.
Bruno as a movie though is hilarious from start to finish, pushing boundaries that have not yet been pushed in our so called tolerant society. I think that Sacha Baron Cohen may be dubbed the new king of vulgarity, his brand of over the top humor is exactly what is needed in an otherwise mostly stagnate sea of movies. Bruno dares to go that extra mile and in doing so succeeds. If you can look through to the true purpose behind movies such as Bruno then you will be able to sit back and laugh until it hurts. Bruno is a perfect example the lack of tolerance in America and the hypocrisy of its own people. America be warned that you just got punked once again by Cohen.
I say if you have not yet seen this movie then make it be on your to do list. I highly recommend Bruno to anyone and everyone.
My Rating: 90%
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