District 9 (Single-Disc Edition) [DVD]
District 9 (Two-Disc Edition) [DVD]
District 9 [Blu-ray]
Director: Neill Blomkamp
Writer(s): Neill Blomkamp
Terri Tatchell
Starring: Sharlto Copley, Jason Cope, Nathalie Boltt
Thank you once again Peter Jackson for being a part of amazing movies. Neill Blomkamp is the new to the scene director that Peter Jackson had hand picked to direct the movie adaptation of the popular video game series Halo. After a lot of work on the project Neill Blomkamp left it alone and was then given 30 million dollars from peter Jackson to make any project he wanted to do.
Peter Jackson has shown much faith on Neill Blomkamp as a director and in doing so it has paid off with one of the best summer movies, and definitely one of the better movies to come out in 2009.
District 9 is about a race of aliens that we dub "Prawns" comes to earth and as humans we expected some form of attack or hostility from them. The aliens turn out to be refugees and we allow them to live on earth but in a run down area known as District 9. The Government then decide they wish to move the aliens to a new area but require their written permission to do so, the new area comes across as being a form of concentration camp.
I applaud the work of everybody involved with this movie because it was done brilliantly. The movie at times appears to be part documentary and at other times seems almost like a news team following the happenings involved. District 9 did not need to use Hollywood hot shots to star in it to draw people in, the reviews from fellow critics and the movie going public itself drew enough attention to District 9.
Neill Blomkamp should be proud of himself because he has created something special with this movie. District 9 deserves any and all attention from movie goers. I would consider it a mistake for Neill Blomkamp to return to the helm of Halo as I feel he is better off with original ideas of his own.
All and all District 9 is a movie that is not only worth checking out, but would be best served in the ranks of your movie collection as well.
My Rating: 90%
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