Director: Robert Luketic
Writer(s): Nicole Eastman
Karen McCullah Lutz
Starring: Katherine Heigl, Gerard Butler
I often wonder what the fascination is for Hollywood studios to pump out dreadful romantic comedies. I can not imagine that anybody making the vast majority of these movies truly believe that they are breaking any grounds when it comes to romance or even comedy for that matter.
This now bring us to "The Ugly Truth" which a very formulaic romantic comedy starring Katherine Heigl (27 Dresses
"The Ugly Truth" will not ever produce more then a laugh or two from lines that I am certain have mostly been robbed from stand up comedy acts or movies that came out prior to this one. Heigl stars in this movie where she is a television producer and a woman with a serve mental stability case. Heigl is a sneak, a creep, and often at times slightly retarded in this role. Butler on the other hand plays what some may say is a stereo typical male, that is if you are a stereo typical human being that still believes in old fashioned cliches.
I spent most of the movie debating over how it is that funding was ever granted to the film makers to go ahead and make this often creepy, never romantic, and entirely unfunny movie. "The Ugly Truth" should have taken some pointers from more successful romantic comedy films and tried to have applied a little more heart, and possibly have better dialogue for the people involved.
The acting in this movie is sub par, the script is very well below average, the comedy is non existent, and if you believe that this displays any form of romance then I think you need to check yourself in to a psychiatric ward because you are officially off your rocker.
The movie title almost best describes it best. The Ugly Truth is that this movie is a complete failure and will be a complete waste of your time and money. Avoid this movie and you will feel so much better about your life.
My Rating: 5%
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