
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Twilight Saga New Moon Movie Review

The Twilight Saga: New Moon

Director: Chris Weitz
Writer(s): Melissa Rosenberg (screenplay)
Stephenie Meyer (novel)

Starring: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner

The Twilight Sage: New Moon managed to break the single day box office record when it beat out The Dark Knight on Friday. This will go down in history as displaying the true purchasing power of the new MTV generation. The sad part is that New Moon never does deserve this kind of recognition in the movie industry at all.

The original Twilight movie based on the novel by Stephanie Meyer and directed by Catherine Hardwicke often showed slight signs of potential, unfortunately for it though it was plagued with inferior acting ability, and dialogue that was dumbed down to appeal to the intelligence level possessed by those who were honestly interested in watching it to begin with.

The problem with the series is that is tried to boast new up and coming actors/actresses but I feel these kids were all chosen simply by looks and not by their acting talents at all. Despite my dislike for the first film I still would say it deserved some credit for the small efforts it made at trying to be a decent movie, however the same can not be stated for New Moon which almost appears not to be trying to do anything. I actually stand corrected the only thing New Moon attempted was sheer annoyance and at that it does succeed.

I know that every single prepubescent teenage girl on the planet goes to this movie because the sight of the guys in it make them cream their pants, but unfortunately here in the world of movies this will never survive the test of time. New Moon is a very disposable movie and aside from it's devastating single day mark that it made I am pretty certain that the film will soon find it's home in the 1.99 bin at your local Walmart store.

This time around the movie goes in a horribly misdirected mess. Bella and Edward continue their all too boring love story, only to find Edward leaving Bella due to his family having to move away. Bella spends the next 30-40 minutes of the movie having some form of poorly acted mental breakdown, you know it is poorly acted when she can not cry and all she does is shriek like a yak in heat for this entire section of the movie. Bella soon learns how to fill the void of Edward's absence with oh yes you guessed it, another boy. This time sixteen year old Jacob becomes Bella;s new interest as she attempts to forget about her time with Edward.

Bella soon then becomes an adrenalin junkie in the hopes that Edward will come to save her. As this goes on Bella and the audience find out that Jacob and his friends are a pack of very horribly designed CG Werewolves that much like the Vampires in this movie are breaking all the rules set out by the world of Vampire and Werewolves. Wait a second did Hollywood not fail on another series of Vampires vs Werewolves? Oh that is right they did and it was called Underworld.

It might have been a while since I have been a teenager but I do not even understand how unintelligent today's teens would have to be to find this movie good in any way, shape, or form. New Moon is very insulting of it's viewers intelligence levels. The dialogue is some of the worst I have seen in a movie in quite some time. This is a movie series that needs to be put to rest before the next two movies in the series get to waste valuable screen time and take away the opportunity for anybody to see movies that are actually worth your money.

All and all I would have to say that a slow and painful death would be more entertaining for you then sitting through this agonizingly long and drawn out piece of trash. Never watch this movie as it is now listed for me as a tie for the worst movie of 2009.

My Rating: 0%

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